Graeme Walker

Graeme Walker

Global Product Manager, Emerson Process Management

9:00 am - 11:00 am

Aerosol Products Division Program

<strong>Speakers:</strong> <br> <strong>Jason Mitchell, <em style="color: gray;">Global Business Development Manager, Emerson</em></strong> <br> <strong>Predrag Ozmo, <em style="color: gray;">Sustainability Director, Ball Corporation </em></strong> <br> <strong>Ryan Paquet, <em style="color: gray;">Vice President, Hazmat Safety Consulting, LLC</em></strong> <br> <strong>Rodney Prater, <em style="color: gray;">Principal Packaging Engineer in Global RD&E, SC Johnson</em></strong> <br> <strong>Graeme Walker, <em style="color: gray;">Global Product Manager, Emerson</em></strong> <br><br> The aerosol industry must keep up with shifting dynamics, including how products are transported. This is necessary not only for getting aerosols into the hands of consumers, but also for sustainability purposes. This session will address the transportation of aerosols and how the industry can work to be more sustainable in today’s world.