Julie Michalski

Julie Michalski

Associate, Steptoe

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

PFAS | State & Federal Government Relations

<strong>Speakers:<br>Jennie Romer, <em style="color:gray;">Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pollution Prevention, EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution</em></strong> <br> As the landscape for PFAS is changing, Romer will highlight EPA’s PFAS Roadmap and Pollution Prevention Program efforts to expand on federal government actions to reduce PFAS in products as well as procurement. <br><br> <strong>Julie Michalski, <em style="color:gray;"> Associate, Steptoe</em></strong> <br> Crafting HCPA’s 2024 state and federal Government Relations engagement strategy, Steptoe will guide a conversation focused on PFAS, including evolving policies, European actions, and litigation matters. Member company representatives will spotlight priority actions through which HCPA will work with Congress, state legislators, and regulators to enable compliance over the next year.