Clive Davies
Clive Davies leads the Safer Choice Program in the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. He is committed to advancing EPA’s chemical safety mission, and is proud to work with a talented, innovative, and dedicated staff of environmental professionals.
Clive built Safer Choice, the Agency’s program to distinguish and label safer products, such as cleaners and detergents. Safer Choice-labeled products – more than 2,000 branded cleaners, detergents, and other classes of products – can be found in retailers and distributers across the country. The program also developed and maintains the Safer Chemical Ingredients List (SCIL), which includes hundreds of high-functioning chemical ingredients that meet rigorous health and environment criteria. These ingredients can be used to manufacture Safer Choice-labeled products, and are being used to process or manufacture safer products around the world.
Clive also began the DfE Alternatives Assessment Program to inform industry decision-making in selecting alternatives to hundreds of millions of pounds of high-priority chemicals. He convened multi-stakeholder partnerships that guided the transition for chemicals that included high-volume flame retardants, and BPA in thermal paper.
Clive has worked in EPA’s Office of Water and in the Office of Air and Radiation. Clive led the first Survey of Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs, which Congress used to allocate up to $1 billion per year in infrastructure funding.