Daniel Schoeff
Daniel Schoeff is OPP's Senior Advisor for Digital Transformation and has spent his entire seven year government career in EPA's OPP. He began in the Microbials branch of BPPD, where he initially became involved in the deployment of the Salesforce Pilot. Since then, he has pursued all angles of business process, its relationships with current and potential OPP technologies, and performance measurement via data analysis tools in Salesforce. Central to his current role in the digital transformation is his eight years of experience in financial services and other direct sales. Dan grew up in Columbus, Ohio and studied Biology and Soccer at Xavier University before coming to the DC area. He further studied Ecology and Public Policy at George Mason University, where he graduated with an MS. He races road bicycles, plays soccer, chases his _four year old_ and his friends at the local playground, and traveled the world extensively until _just over four years ago