Dr. Jennifer Saunders
Dr. Jennifer Saunders is the acting Associate Division Director of the Registration Division in the Office of Pesticide Programs at the EPA. She has 14 years of experience in the regulation and scientific review of conventional pesticide products and has served as a risk manager, product manager, senior entomologist, and branch chief. She was on the steering committee for a pesticide efficacy-related New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) workshop, finalized 4 efficacy testing guidelines and a product performance rule, and graduated from the Federal Executive Institute’s Leadership for a Democratic Society program and the Excellence in Government Fellows program through the Partnership for Public Service where she led a cross-agency initiative focused on knowledge transfer and succession planning. Jenn has a black belt in Lean Six Sigma, which she’s used to help implement the EPA Lean Management System initiative, a pesticide efficacy review process improvement initiative, and the non-PRIA backlog strategy. Finally, Jenn has represented the Agency at the international level at the Codex Committee for Pesticide Residues annual meeting, at the World Health Organization for a number of vector-related initiatives, and through collaboration with OECD to standardize efficacy testing globally. Jenn received her B.S. in biology from Canisius College in Buffalo, where she studied stopover in migratory songbirds. She received her PhD with distinction in biology from Georgetown University studying the evolution and molecular underpinnings of diapause in mosquitoes.