Kristie Sullivan

Ms. Sullivan joined the IIVS team in 2023 to lead its Education and Outreach programs which are designed to advance the IIVS mission. These programs include organizing workshops and trainings to advance acceptance and use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), engaging with toxicologists and stakeholders to develop educational materials and resources, and acting as an information resource to industry, government, and the animal protection community.
Prior to joining IIVS, Ms. Sullivan served as Vice President for Research Policy at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, where she led a team charged with developing, promoting, and implementing New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for the testing of drugs, chemicals, and other products. She has 20 years’ experience advancing NAMs through scientific scholarship, validation, policy advocacy, and outreach. Ms. Sullivan has served on a number of OECD committees related to specific animal testing and NAM issues, and has provided advice and training to state and federal agencies, including as a past member of the Pesticide Program Dialog Committee and ad hoc FIFRA Science Advisory Panel and Board of Scientific Counselors reviews. She is currently a member of the executive boards of the Society for the Advancement of Adverse Outcome Pathways, the Society of Toxicology In Vitro and Alternative Methods Specialty Section, and the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology, of which she is a founding member, and the editorial board of Computational Toxicology and Frontiers in In Vitro Toxicology.